Fixing America In 500 Words Or
Chapter 13
When I was a young boy growing up in California, all of us kids had trouble breathing on summer days that were exceptionally
smoggy. Whether or not we had asthma or other health issues, we experienced chest pains, shortness of breath and burning pain in our
lungs. Nearby Mt. Baldy, though only a few miles away, was often obscured entirely. ¹
It is a very well-documented and accepted medical fact that human-induced pollution is significantly harmful to people, especially young
children. ² This fact alone is far more than enough reason to get rid of as much pollution as possible, as fast as humanly possible, even if
pollution is somehow otherwise, beneficial to the planet at large.
As usual, our ever-myopic mainstream media is focusing on the wrong thing. Whether or not human-induced pollution is causing global warming
is secondary to the larger issue of increased cancer, heart, lung, liver and other diseases caused and aggravated by pollution. What
nations daily pour into the air is also very harmful to the plant and animal food sources we depend on to survive, contaminating the water we
share and the soil our food grows in. ³
Global air and water pollution is increasing at an alarming rate due to accelerated economic growth in China, India and elsewhere. Not
surprisingly, significant health problems have dramatically increased well beyond mere population growth in such nations over the past ten
There is no legitimate argument against curbing and eliminating any and all pollution as fast as humanly possible. And scientists are
indisputably right that pollution is causing significant harm to our planet and every living thing on it, whether or not they are
correct in every detail.
The actual science is highly complex, involving global warming, global dimming and global cooling processes. However, global warming is the
more dominant factor and thus, the net result is our planet is indisputably warming up. Because the science is complex, politicians, radio
demagogues and others on the corporate payroll can easily deceive the poorly informed. 4
Vast quantities of ice have disappeared in the past few years in South America and Greenland, leaving large areas of bare surface where thick ice
recently dominated the landscape. Towns in northern Alaska and entire islands are literally vanishing into the sea, while warming oceans are
creating far-reaching devastation that is bound to increase. 5
Thousands of scientific articles have been written documenting global warming over the past few years and unfortunately, more and more articles
today are saying scientists have underestimated rather than exaggerated the problem. 6 And many thousands more articles from scientists and
physicians all over the world, continue to document the significant harm pollution is doing to ourselves and our
Meanwhile, corrupt bought-and-paid-for scientists, politicians and right-wing media hacks routinely rip documented science out of context, while
completely ignoring overwhelming evidence they don't like. Time is running out for ourselves and may have already run past the point of no
return for our children and their children. 7
Is there really life in the future? You decide.
{ See Does Science Really
Know What is True? for related information. }
1. In September 2019, the president of the United States deliberately went way out of his way in an attempt to force California to reduce auto emission regulations that took
decades to achieve. In striking contrast in April of the same year, sixteen-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg gave a moving impassioned speech in front of European leaders on the urgency
of taking immediate action, where she openly wept. Again in September of 2019, a Cornell University study determined "that since 1970, the US and Canada have lost nearly 3 billion birds, a massive reduction in
abundance involving hundreds of species, from beloved backyard songbirds to long-distance migrants." And in May 2014, PBS reported that species on a global level are vanishing at a rate
at least 1,000 times greater than before humans.
One is left wondering exactly why a 73-year old president, who most likely at best has another 25 years to live,
would deliberately do everything in his power to destroy the environment that Greta Thunberg and billions of other children, including his own, will be stuck trying to
survive in as best they can. Just what does he or any other human have to gain, that is worth more than the lives of billions of human beings and thousands of
billions of other living creatures?
a) Air Pollution By Far, is the Biggest Killer on Earth
b) 16-year-old Greta Thunberg Speech to European Parliament
c) US and Canada Lose More Than 1 in 4 Birds in Past 50 Years
d) PBS: Extinctions at Least 1,000 Times Greater Than Prior to Humans
2. World Health Organization; global statistics. World Health Organization study indicates that human caused pollution harms every
single organ in the human body, in addition to harming every animal and plant we consume along with the soil our crops grow in and water that both we and
the animals we consume mutually depend on for our survival. The true over-reaching harm of pollution is far beyond immeasurable; obviously if we eat
animals and grow our food in soil adversely affected, this in turn will adversely effect ourselves and our children for generations. Link to W.H.O. Study. This clearly demonstrates how in the United States, the overt greed of the few trumps rational and
sane policies for the rest.
New science emerging correlating long-term effects of environmental degradation on human health:
Earth and Public
Negative effects of human caused pollution may be far worse than current models predict: Future Looking Far Worse.
Just a few of the innumerable online sources documenting negative health effects of pollution
on human beings: a) Impacts of Air Pollution on Human Health,
b) Smog Effects,
c) Air Pollution and Respiratory Health,
d) Environment and Health,
e) Medical Effects of Air Pollution,
f) Air Pollution and Human Health,
g) Effects of Air Pollution on Births in Los Angeles,
h) World Health Organization; Air Pollution and Human Health,
i) Air Pollution Kills 2 Million Per Year,
j) United States,
k) China,
l) India,
m) International Air Pollution Statistics.
3. a) Wild Life and Pollution,
b) Human Infectious Diseases Due to Water Pollution,
c) Soil Pollution Effects,
d) Pollution Killing World's Coral Reefs,
e) Pollution Effects on Humans, Plants and Animals.
4. The evidence that human-induced pollution is causing significant adverse effects to the
planetary environment of us all is overwhelming. Because determining negative effects of
human-induced pollution is a highly complex science involving a great many interacting global
warming, global dimming and other complex processes, right-wing media hacks and
bought-and-paid-for corporate frauds posing as 'scientists', are rather easily able to deceive
significant portions of the general public by ripping a few "facts" out of
context of the whole.
People who don't study evidence or read much for themselves and thus, depend on
crooked priests, preachers and political hacks to explain things for them, are accustomed to
short, simplistic sound-bite explanations, of which regarding the severe negative effects
of human-induced global pollution, there aren't any, other than for the human race to abandon
the planet entirely and start all over somewhere else. One might logically and fairly ask, if
right-wing media hacks and corporate shill scientists know so much about what is true regarding
pollution, why aren't they trying to do something about what is overwhelmingly documented to
be deadly to their own children and grandchildren, rather than wasting everybody's time
disputing Global Warming causes. PBS Documentary: Four Large Sinking Cities; U.S. Climate Change Predictions (as of February, 2019)
5. The negative effects of warming oceans are devastating and far-reaching: National Geographic; "The Ocean".
6. A very large number of articles detailing how scientists of the recent past have under-estimated rather
than exaggerated the already occuring and immediate looming effects of human-enduced pollution on
the earth's climate, can be found at ScienceDaily.com.
7. Corporations standing to profit from pollution cleanup and alternative "green" solutions readily admit to the documented harmful facts of pollution
for both people and the planet at large. But, even hydraulic fracturing companies, which have nothing to gain and everything to lose, admit
that "fracking" causes significant problems: Colorado Fracking Companies Admit to Causing Significant Air Pollution. One need only Google "negative effects
of fracking" to realize how utterly insane it is for the United States government under the Obama Administration, to be encouraging the widespread increase
of this devastating practice, which has already severely polluted the water supply of over thirty U.S. cities and counting, as well as been blamed for
larger than normal earthquakes in Oklahoma and other areas previously immune to such problems.
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Copyright © December 10th, 2019 by Richard
Aberdeen. Copyright © December 10th, 2019 by Freedom
Tracks Records. ( including from several earlier copyrights )
No part of this material may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
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author. For inquiries, please contact Freedom Tracks Records. The essays entitled Revolution and Revolution ~ Side B are open copyright and may be reproduced
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