Philosophy Of The Common
The eventual lot that happens to the common and the poor
Is the conclusion of the famous and wealthy just the same
For beyond the basic necessities of comfort to survive
We in truth feel no better no matter how much it is we gain
And though our record is one of war and rumor of war
It makes no common sense to continue along this same path
Whether we believe God or science or not much of either
All evidence of history clearly states our souls need a bath
We can swear within our head that we can help ourselves
And that for our spec of a planet there could be no savior
But no matter how careful and often our educator’s twist a lie
They can’t seem to find much of a cure for our bad behavior
In between the sunrise and sunset of life’s brief breath
We daily choose to help or to hurt our fellow man
And though it is probable we won’t solve every dilemma
It is also true we must strive to do what we can
There’s a warning coming down from the Father of lights
With whom there is no variance or shadow of turning
Win or lose we all must choose who it is we will serve
For waiting is a heaven of paradise and hell fires burning
