Philosophy Of The Common
Take away 9 billion from public hospitals
Take as many billion as we can from the poor
Tack on 120 billion at the generals’ request
See if we can launch the third world war
Borrow a few trillion dollars from our nation’s future
Who cares if our grandchildren get the screw?
Ring the whole damn planet with Armageddon’s lasers
And paint them all red, white and blue
Sprinkle some crumbs among the common working-class
So what if fuel and utility costs are going up?
Give the rich man a few rebate millions in his hand
For a brand new yacht so he can win the World Cup
Forget treaties that took 30 years of diplomatic tears
And ignore our planet as her temperature is stoked
Forget Alaskan preservation, ‘big-oil’ has a reservation
We’re more concerned if christian children haven’t smoked
Waste our Sunday of rest at the fundamental church
Belt out our battle-hymns of patriotic hits
Bow down to our plastic god of stain-glass morality reward
Thank God! We’ve covered the naked statue’s tits
