Here in the 21st Century, we've learned what Charles Darwin never knew, that what is called "outer" space is not permanent, static and rigid as was believed in the 19th Century. Rather, today we know that not only life adapts and changes, but also so do planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, super clusters and apparently even the universe itself. And also unknown to Darwin, space is expanding.
Because of advanced telescope and related technology, we now have a larger window into the great infinity cosmic wonder of it all. But, we also have a much better understanding today of the microscopic world of "inner" space and a strange and bizarre "quantum" reality unknown to Darwin. Cells were first discovered in 1665 but the world of genetics and cell biology didn't come into its own until the 20th Century.
And herein lies a problem entirely unknown to Charles Darwin. This perplexing puzzle is the overwhelming complexity of living cells and, the proteins, DNA and other astonishing things found within them. Unknown perhaps to the typical student or lay person, this tiny little thing called a "cell" has pretty-much derailed any hope of evolution by natural selection ever explaining its existence.
Even the most avowed evolutionists today who are honest, admit that Darwin's theory cannot rationally explain the incredibly complexity of cells and various parts within them. And thus, this tiny thing called a "cell" is stubbornly refuting any and every rational theory of how life came to exist. Some educators just don't want to discuss how life came to be and move on, but this is hardly fair to either their students or the rest of us who subsidize their salaries.
Cells take up very little space. In fact about a trillion of them can fit on the head of a pin. Our bodies have well over 30 trillion of them, even though at conception we start out as only one single cell. Cells are not the same but, each one has it's own special function that make up our bodies as a whole. And to make matters even more complicated, there are seemingly innumerable individual parts and pieces of parts of a living cell.
One of the many scientific conundrums that cells pose is that, without the DNA and RNA within them, proteins could not exist and conversely, without the proteins within cells, DNA and RNA could not exist. If a single cell was blown up to the size of Rhode Island, on the outside it might appear like a gigantic space ship with port holes, while inside one would find a beyond incredible complex machine far beyond the capabilities of the human mind to even imagine, let alone conceive of and create.
According to New York Professor Robert Shapiro, an expert in DNA: "The coincidental formation probability of the 2000 types of proteins found in a single bacterium is 10 to the 1040 power against." Human cells contain 200,000 different types of proteins. Even more improbable, the proteins in a cell must all be left handed, which utterly defies any human concept of odds. And, to give one some idea of how great the odds against random "self-design" of cell proteins is, the number of all of the particles and photons that make up the entire universe is less than 10 to the 82nd power.
Chandra Wickramasinghe, a British professor of mathematics and astronomy comments: "The likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 noughts after it... It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet nor on any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence."
What is discussed here only covers the probability of proteins randomly existing and, doesn't consider the far greater improbability of DNA and RNA having somehow "self-designed". And, the far beyond astronomically overwhelming improbability of a living cell as a whole somehow evolving by chance is a number so great, it would take volumes just to write out the zeroes. The lowly cell, sitting proudly in space between the very incredibly small and, the very incredibly large, has virtually single-handedly brought what some call "the religion of modern science" to its knees.
Although an evolutionist himself, astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle stated: "The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable to the chance of a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard assembling a Boeing 747 from the materials therein. This means that it is not possible for the cell to have come into being by coincidence, and therefore it must definitely have been created."
As the the lowly cell, so we too are existing somewhere in space, caught between the particles and pieces of atoms and the great vastness we know the universe today to be. Since the existence of the physical universe is universally agreed to by human science, atheists, agnostics and the rest of us are all compelled to answer the same question, which is where did it all come from? We cannot duck or ignore this question in a science classroom and, remain within the bounds of science and reason.
The sheer size, grandeur and scope of the known universe should be more than enough to convince any thinking human being, that the cosmic grand design wonder could not have and obviously did not come about by random back and forth "totally blind" steps of natural selection chance. Even if there was no such thing as a living cell, the only reasonable and rational conclusion is deliberate conception, design and creation. This was "science", the most likely conclusion, at the time of Darwin and, it remains the most likely conclusion today.
As leading American scientist and DNA expert Francis Collins says, "DNA alone demonstrates design and not random processes." And as leading physicist Paul Davies states, the majority of modern physicists now agree the universe appears to be "precisely fine-tuned for the emergence of life." Which is exactly what one would expect to find if the universe is deliberately designed. Geochemist Jeffrey Bada: ". . .We still face the biggest unsolved problem that we had when we entered the 20th Century: How did life originate on Earth?"
The Encyclopedia Britannica article "Evolution" freely admits science doesn't know how life began on earth. And, so does astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson in the television series "Cosmos". Unfortunately, he directly contradicts himself in another segment of the same series, claiming that life came about by natural blind "totally by chance" processes. Obviously if science doesn't know how life came to be, then science doesn't know what Mr. Tyson claims. Not surprisingly, he doesn't provide any evidence but just moves on, as if evidence is no longer important for such a baseless grandiose blind faith belief.
This same non-evidence based idea randomly appears in various forms in many university biology textbooks; textbooks that never ask the hard questions: How can energy arise from no energy? How can motion arise from no motion? Light from no light? Intelligence from no intelligence? Life from no life? Can mathematics magically exist unto itself or, can any of these or anything else magically exist unto itself? It seems the more science discovers, the more and more difficult it becomes to be an atheist.
Some astronomers and physicists are now claiming the universe is mathematically designed. And today, scientists know that many animals, insects and even fish can do math--some even geometry; some birds even understand the concept of zero. This clearly demonstrates that math is not a human invention as formerly assumed, as most of these creatures that do math on a regular basis existed long before humans arrived. So, if the universe is not designed, where did math come from? And, how is it that pi and the golden ratio seem to be so predominantly displayed in nature?
Again according to Sir Fred Hoyle: Creation "is so obvious that one wonders why it is not widely accepted as being self-evident." Rather than real science and education, the rejection of God's existence seems to be the main goal of many modern crackpots. They go right on defending the mathematically impossible, rather than accepting the overwhelming obvious. What humans call "science" has long been the most likely conclusion based on the known evidence. Then Darwin published a book and from there, so-called 'science' has become less and less like science supposedly is.
Some careful reader might point out that this article seems to have little to do with space. But what this article is really about is the space between 21st Century ears; ears that continue to hearken to one of the greatest lies in human history, rather than accept the astronomically overwhelming evidence for Master Designer.
As the world prepares for a great world war and, our planet becomes less and less inhabitable, perhaps we should re-consider that God and science actually do belong in the same public school classrooms, rather than the absurd notion that God is not a question for science; as if we know more than our Creator about how his creation came to be and functions. At least our Creator gives us life, rather than thermonuclear weapons, which can destroy us all many times over. What manner of self-contradicting creature uses its 'science' to accomplish this?
1. The Complexity of the Cell
2. Encyclopedia Britanica: Biology - Cell
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