The first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (1768), demonstrates what educated people believed in American revolutionary times. The understanding of there being a great many stars, that are very far away and similar to our sun, was relatively new at that time.
Thus, the article "Astronomy" goes to significant lengths to explain that the stars are not the small objects in a small universe as appears to us here on earth. It also says that in all probability, each star has planets similar to our own. Even back then many educated people assumed the universe is probably teeming with life.
This 1768 Britannica article relates how God created each star system with care and precision, as important as our own. This was an immense step forward from previous thinking of the all importance of the earth and human beings being at the center of everything.
In order to understand people like Jefferson and Madison, it is important to explore the common beliefs of their age, rather than inserting our own. The Supreme Court and our elected leaders have made many significant blunders since, simply by failing to consider the difference.
The following two paragraphs are from Encyclopedia Britannica First Edition, 1768; article "Astronomy". This reflects the scientific thinking of men like Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine and the rest of the American founders.
"The sun appears very bright and large in comparison to the stars, because we keep constantly near the sun, in comparison of our immense distance from the stars. . .The stars therefore, shine with their own native non-borrowed luster, as the sun does. And as each particular star, as well as the sun, is confined to a particular portion of space, it is plain that the stars are of the same nature as the sun.
"It is nowadays probable that the Almighty, who always acts with infinite wisdom and does nothing in vain, should create so many glorious suns, fit for so many important purposes and, place them at such distances from one another, without proper objects to be benefited by their influences. . . From what we know of our own system, it may be reasonably concluded that all of the rest are of equal wisdom contrived, situated and provided with accommodations for rational inhabitants."
This provides a window into what the American founders believed regarding the science of their day. And, it also demonstrates why they referred to God as "the Almighty", while fully integrating Creation within the scientific and other intellectual thinking of their times. These two paragraphs also provide a clue how advanced the scientific thinking of their day was, in comparison to their rudimentary telescopes and other basic instruments of inquiry, juxtaposed against those of the 21st Century.
If conservatives would put on their reading glasses, surely they would see the Second Amendment says "Arms" and not guns. How is it rational to claim the founders intended for us to own all manner of military grade modern "Arms", while being forbidden to possess bio-weapons and nuclear bombs, which are also modern "Arms"?
And, if liberals would put on their reading glasses, surely they will see the First Amendment separates "church" (religious institutions) and state. And most assuredly, it does not separate God from science classrooms, as can clearly be seen in the astronomy knowledge of their times. Unlike many arrogant so-called 'scientists' and 'educators' today, who pretend no one designed the universe, as if they somehow would know and, the rest of us should just take their word for it.
How many children have to die before we stop lying about the Second Amendment actually says? And, how long and how many children have to go to bed with no hope for tomorrow, trying to grasp why their science teacher pretends we somehow magically ride the Milky Way?
The rules of science and reason, passed down from Descartes forward, are firmly established today as follows: One cannot replace existing theories of science, without providing a better explanation based on demonstrable evidence. Since in 1768, established science firmly attributed a created universe to Almighty God, this remains science on up through the present, unless and until someone can provide a better explanation based on actual evidence, rather than fanciful guesswork or atheistic "disbelief".
We can't just pretend there is no God without evidence as to how else the universe happens to exist, as many atheists in their utter foolishness do today, any more than Copernicus could declare the earth goes around the sun and then sit down, without providing any demonstrable evidence as to how and why Ptolemy was wrong.
And, if one is still unconvinced of the great error of modern science ways, perhaps they should study the rather lengthy article "Cells" in the 21st Century Britannica and then, try their best to explain how the math of only 13.8 billion years of universal existence, somehow adds up to the overwhelming complexity of a living cell. One may be advised, that some of our best and more honest scientists and mathematicians have long ago thrown up their hands in utter defeat.
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