Modern scientists have discovered that light slows down about 40% when passing through a diamond. Because space itself is made of a "fabric" and is not completely void, the fabric of space itself may alter the speed of light. Light's speed may also be altered gravitationally when passing stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies (as compared to darker "void" areas of space) and, light may be slowing down or as more likely the case, speeding up as the universe itself expands.
It may be true that the speed of light is constant in a complete vacuum, but otherwise light's speed might be altered by whatever it passes near or through. Thus, current estimated star distances may be off, as well as the current estimate of 13.81 billion years for the age of the universe. The speed of light may not even be constant in a complete vacuum. Either way as the history of science clearly demonstrates, virtually all of modern science theory may be slightly off or way off the mark of what is actually correct, from a true universal and beyond (logos) perspective.
A scientist at Princeton University has proposed that so-called "universal laws" may not be universal; such laws, if they do exist, may be dependent on one's position in the universe and, may differ throughout the cosmos. Theoretically, this is because the twisting and bending of space/time itself differs depending on one's position in the universe.
The distribution of matter throughout space isn't uniform and also, a planet nearer the center of a galaxy resides in a considerably more densely crowded region than a planet located closer to the edge. As such, the twisting of the fabric of space/time itself could theoretically vary significantly enough to alter one's perception of universal laws. Assuming of course, that there is any such thing as a "universal" law, which modern science has no way of verifying with any reasonable certainty.
Historically, scientists are want to invent concepts and reference points of convenience based on the current knowledge of their times, rather than learning from the past experience of earlier peers who have often been fundamentally wrong. So-called "dark energy" is a good example, as well as mainstream insistence prior to Edwin Hubble of there being only one Milky Way galaxy in a static eternal universe.
Various scientists suggest other reasons why the speed of light might not be constant, including the fact that measurements for light's speed taken several generations ago seem to be somewhat different than currently calculated as being today. It should also be noted that the speed of light as calculated remains an approximation, rather than an exact measurement (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,282.397 miles per second).
Some scientists today believe the universe is designed according to pi and the golden ratio, both irrational numbers. If true, then the speed of light may long remain an approximation, along with the rest of what human beings call "science".
Some researchers have proposed the speed of light may have been much faster in the early universe and, that light slowed down over time as density increased. Yet another suggestion is that light might actually be speeding up as the rate of universal expansion increases. And of course, most students are familiar with modern claims that photons behave like both a particle and a wave. Essentially here in the 21st Century, one might conclude that science in many ways remains in the dark concerning the truth about light.
As some scientists have publicly stated, if the speed of light is not constant, there may be no such thing as "dark energy" and, all current theories of gravity, light, universal evolution and practically everything else may be a little off to way off the mark. Newton's theories conclusively demonstrate, that just because a theory seems to work well within our earth-bound experience, this does not prove that the theory is accurate from a larger view.
1. Speed of Light May Not be Constant
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