AN OPEN LETTER TO: the Honorable Mayor Freddie O'Connell, Vice-Mayor Angie Henderson, Nashville City Council and Citizens of the greater metropolitan area of Nashville, Tennessee:
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and growing cost of rent, people are loosing their homes in large numbers. According to latest statistics, nearly half of all Americans don't earn enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment.
The homeless population was already growing before the pandemic and now, more and more entire families are facing eviction and homelessness.
This is not a request for any monetary donation but rather, this is a note requesting that you consider lending your talent to a globally connected concert for the homeless. Similar to Live Aid, only with today's technology, artists can be connected from all over the world to a single event.
A perhaps 2-3 day event held in Nissan Stadium in Nashville could not only be connected to additional artists who are not physically present at the concert, but also both video and songs could be distributed in digital format, thus avoiding the high cost of physical distribution.
It may be possible to gain corporate sponsorship for such an event, which could be billed as the largest globally connected event ever held. Portions could be broadcast on prime time television, as well as made into a film and videos for later distribution.
It may also be possible to involve students at every grade level, athletes, actors, churches and various and diverse organizations in cities, both in the United States and around the world.
The importance of such an event is not only to raise much needed funds for housing for the homeless, but also to greatly magnify public awareness and, to inspire and encourage music fans everywhere to help the homeless in their own area of residence.
The idea is to take a year or more to plan this event, so as best able to work around and accommodate artists and their busy schedules. And, to find an experienced promoter to take care of the necessary details.
If this is of interest to you, please discuss this idea with anyone you may know in the music industry. Please help our homeless citizens, for we are all God s children and we all have known and can relate to cold, hunger, loneliness, despair, pain and suffering.
 Freedom Tracks
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